Thursday, October 23, 2008

Proper Etiquette...

Today's moodle session was about process analysis. Mott's essay which was more of a summary was good. He used both types of process analysis properly so that we the readers are able to understand the material and be able to input our thoughts that relate to it.

How often do you see someone practice proper etiquette? Where would you see someone with proper etiquette? From the moment I knew manners and respect, I have not seen many people practice proper etiquette. Taking that back, I have seen a few, but only when at a public formal event, such as a wedding or important event which takes place in a hotel ballroom.

Well, going to get to studying for the upcoming test. Turning off the music, taking out my book and notes. Getting into a comfortable state of mind to study. Good luck to all and see everyone on Tuesday...

image source:


Rhea said...

Cute picture!!

Christina said...

I agree the picture, explains it.
That is true, it seems that day to day, proper etiquette is not even thought of twice, unless in those situations. I think practicing proper etiquette is good to keep in mind. Good Blog, =).
