Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Quotes

At the first class meeting in the computer lab, we had each received quotes that we had to individually interpret and present at the beginning of every class meeting. Most of us have already done so and while listening to each presentation of each unique quote, I have become more inspired in a way that even I can't seem to find the words for. I love theses quotes. Some of them reflect the way I go through life. For example, the quote from Michael Jordan,"You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them." I completely agree with this quote. I pretty much go by this quote. I tell myself all the time, I have to believe that I'll be able to do and it'll happen. You just need to keep your head up and face the the obstacle illusion called fear.

I find quotes very intriguing, because they can tell how a person feels and their views on life and such. So when Dr. Rivera gave each one of us quotes, I was excited about getting to be able to do something with the quotes and be able to give our views about them. Also, I find all the interpretations just as inspirational as the quotes itself because its coming from other peoples perspective and sometime the perspectives are much more easier to understand then the quote itself sometimes.

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