Monday, December 1, 2008

The Special Project

  I chose the special project because I feel it was easier to do than taking a test. I had a lot of poems in a book at home to use for the project, but my dad thought it was trash. He ended up throwing it away. I had to make the five poems for the project. The poems were just thoughts I was thinking about at the time.I feel that this project helped get some feelings out. It was like an outlet for me. My poems were about my life and what's in my life. The other reason I chose the special project is because I like making poems. I used to always make poems when I felt down. Thank you Dr. Rivera for giving us a choice.


Ikol Suda said...

hey man that was some great poems you read ealier today man. Anyways best wishes and good luck see you around.

Rhea said...

I liked your poems it was really nice. That is good you like to write poems not many boys like to write poems and admit it so I give you props!


mnrivera said...


You're very welcome! I enjoyed hearing your poems! I'm sure your classmates found them enlightening.

Best regards,
Dr. Rivera