Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Farewell English 100

Today is the very last day I'll ever see everyone, who became my classmate for this semester, in English 100, all at once. I am sad yet happy. Sadness is overwhelmed by all the many discussions we partook with each other. Bickering and listening to each other's opinions towards one topic to the next. I'll miss it all, especially Francis' and Michael's obnoxious yet interesting remarks. Dr. Rivera has given us information to continue our pursuit in this institute of higher learning. As well as, being lenient and understanding towards our needs. I am glad I started off my freshman year to be a student of hers. To have the experiences we had.
Anyhow, so today was very fun. I like hearing and seeing everyone put their emotions to their piece. Precisely, their final exam. I enjoyed how they implemented so much thought and deserve such a good grade for doing so. I suppose this is my last blog but it won't stop me from writing... I believe I'll continue to appreciate the art of writing anything and everything that comes to mine. Obviously paying attention to the grammar and spelling mistakes
I am glad, I've met all of you. Please keep in touch; jm.11@hotmail.com is my add for msn. Feel free add me and we'll discuss the upcoming events of our next step by going to another class level and possibly to graduating! Thank you, and farewell.

1 comment:

Christina said...

Jacy that was really sweet. I'm going to miss you, you do have a gift in writing and hopefully one day, your name will be in lights.
Well, keeo in touch, add me on myspace!
Take Care =)
