Friday, November 21, 2008

Our Last Moodle Session

On moodle session Thursday, we discussed the handbook. I found that run-ons, fragments, and incomplete was most effective for me. The writer must not bore or confuse the reader. A sentence that goes on and on tends to make the reader lose interest.

I know that our final project is due on Tuesday so I hope that it will get a good grade. I get so discourage well actually nervous about my grade. I really need to pass this course with at least a letter grade B. Well good luck to everyone and I will see you all on Tuesday.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

mszcheysser said...

I think with English 100, we don't get gradings such as A, B, C because its either that we get a P or the other letter. :(

But either way, I hope we all pass! Have a good weekend!