Sunday, August 31, 2008

Elizabeth Wong

Last Thursday, we read a story about Elizabeth Wong. It was her story about her struggle to become an All-American Girl. In my opinion, the story was very depressing and true. Elizabeth struggled to be like the people around her. The story was a eye-opener. If you look around our island, you'll see cultures falling apart. For example, Filipinos calling other Filipinos the word fob. I find it ridiculous when Filipinos from Guam go to the Philippines and continue to call them fob. That is a incorrect usage of the word. I find the term as a bad word. What is wrong with embracing your culture? What is wrong with speaking the language? What is wrong with being your culture? Everyone should embrace their culture. Without your culture, you would not be who you are today


Saturday, August 30, 2008


-"There can be no real freedom, without the freedom to fail."
By: Eric Hoffer
First of all, the minute I received this quote. A lot rushed through my mind and so many people as well. This quote is very deep, so deep I can't interprete this.
So this is what I have thought of. Life is pain, Life is not easy. We all struggle in it one way or another, and in order for us to be satisfied or be able to be relieved of struggle. For instance, if we want a real freedom, we all have to experience to fail in life(struggle). If you are not sure what I mean, I am still trying to feel this out. Like I said this is a deep quote.

Another Year Older..

So another year older for me on August 31st. At my age, thinking I should of started college when I was 18, and I'll probably be finished by the time I am 22. At my age now, I will probably finished by my late 20's and that is too late already. If I could turn back time to start school effectively right after high school. I would be working on my masters by now.
If you are now 18, 19, 0r 20. Please continue with your school, I would if I had another chance to start at that age. Life moves too fast, we must work fast and make something out of our life.
Have a great labor day weekend!

1st presentation

I did a presentation on a quote from Dale Carnegie. It was slightly hard to make the presentation because I didn't really know the people in the class. The qoute is mostly true because it says that people who take risks usually make it farther and those who reassure themselves don't get far at all.

My interpretation for the ther poem is that people who take big risks usually get a big reward. The second sentence says that double and triple-checkers usually don't get that far from the shore. I think that is true. I have experienced it in the 18 years i have been living. For example, people like Bill Gates. He risked dropping out of college to pursue his dream and look what happened, he's a billionaire.
image source:

Friday, August 29, 2008

WhAt cLasS Is LiKE...

Well, Now we're getting more into work and everything is great on my behalf. I love my classmates- some are open, some are quiet, but they all put the effort into things and they motivate me. They may not know it but it's the truth. In the computer lab i was working with Sandrix and he's a great person, we were helping each other. that right there made me interested in class because i wasn't alone, that may sound corny, but team work really does help others, now i may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but if anyone needs any help, I'm always willing to lend a hand!!!

A Certain Romance With Writing

The clock strikes four, as students primarily sit in their own wanted order up until today due to assigned seating for this semester. Rummaging through bags or fiddling here and there, an attendance sheet is being passed around in which I'm glad we're credited for though points are deducted from a scale of tardiness.
Tic toc, the clock strikes again. I soon began, as well as the others, to immerse in a presentation in which a fellow classmate, named Keith, presented. It was a delightful and honest analysis that was briefly discussed, involving determination and goal setting. (Please forgive if I'm wrong about his subject of quotation. It is all due to the fact that I have forgetful tendencies. However, I do believe it was regarding determination and goal setting. Mind you, I may be wrong and I fully take all responsibilities.) After the brave presentation, the class moved along to the book, Paragraphs and Essay, which we all participated in writing, reading and answering exercises. 
My impression of yesterday's class was basically like past classes we've had, specifically three non-sequential days of verbal practice, involving underlining, outlining, annotations, and citations. I enjoyed it as much as I've enjoyed my past English classes and I do hope it'll continue to be a fun filled experience, which will enhance my writing and reading skill to a college level student.  
Although, all of what we're covering in class is like a refreshment of what I've learned in my last year of high school but in a more enhanced and thorough level. I particularly like rereading the essays, especially ones that are in relation to us. I.e. The Struggle to Be an All-American Girl, written by Elizabeth Wong, who in truth reminds me of Amy Tan, one of my favorite authors!

Click for image source.

Review of class: Aug 27 2008

I thought the essay we read in class today was a very sad tale. Yet, you must admit at the same time you can see yourself in her position. Each one of us at one point felt must of felt like they wanted to be brought up in a different culture. In a way its sad that in reality we are just like her. Everything on Guam is starting to become more westernized. The only real thing left is the respect we show our family members.


Abigail Adams

"Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for
with ardor and attended to with diligence."

- Abigail Adams
(former first lady)

This quote said by Abigail Adams, is one that strikes us on an academic level. I think what this quote means is, we should not just expect to learn, but have the determination to seek what we learn and understand it. Also to be wise about it,
such as, since we are in college, we make decisions based on our major right? Well, what we learn should apply to our interests, so being wise about which direction of learning to take is important, because in the end, the outcome is going to be based on the decisions we make. So I think with this in mind learning in our EN-100 class takes determination and diligence.
*sorry everyone, I do not have a picture, there seems to be something blocking me from putting up one. But she is the wife of former president of the United States, John Adams.
- Christina

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Theodore Roosevelt

"Do what you can,with what you have,where you are."
- Theodore Roosevelt (26th President of the United States)

The quote above was said by Theodore Roosevelt.To me,the quote speaks for itself. If it doesn't,then allow me to interpret the quote.What Roosevelt was trying to say was,do whatever you can to get things done with what you have in hand and do it where you are now and not delay the task until you get to someplace else.To me this quote is an example of life.You gotta get things done,don't procrastonate.If you have limited supply don't stop,try your best to get as much done,and it doesn't matter where you are,just try getting your task done.

New things....

Hey everyone!

Well, this is my first time blogging and I have to say, it is really interesting.
I'm so happy to be able to to this, and to get to know "you", my classmates as well. The first day of class was intimidating, but I think as we get to know each other, we would become good friends. I know I might seem really quiet in class, but I am a nice person, and I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone. So far I really like our class, learning "Moodle", blogging, and today, more ways in how to deconstruct a paragraph with what we've been learning. It was nice that more of us got to share in the discussion. As a person, its sometimes hard for me to open up, especially when its new. Believe me, I don't want to be quiet, I just don't know what to say. But I know when the time comes, I gotta speak up, and I'm glad I did today. I want to say, thank you to "you" new classmate, and hopefully new friend. I can't wait to learn more about this subject, most especially the rest of my classmates. EN-100 is the best!

Christina =)

Sioux Proverb

"A people without history is like wind on the buffalo grass." -Sioux Proverb

To my understanding of this quote, I believe that if we did not know anything about our history, we would not be a solid community. In saying that, I mean that without knowing our history we wouldn't be able to make things better for our future. As quoted by the Sioux Proverbs, we would be "like wind on the buffalo grass." That meaning we would live freely without roots to tie ends together, and without the ends being brought together we would be living a life with no reason.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bruce Barton

“Most successful men have not achieved their distinction by having some new talent or opportunity that was at hand.” -Bruce Barton, an author and poet.

The quotation above was created by Bruce Barton, who validates that successful men do not have a certain talent or was given resources at hand, in which I think is not the accurate basis of their acquired success. In my own opinion, this quota speaks for itself, meaning that successful men simply don’t achieve talent with resources handed to them.
However, these men work hard enough to attain some new talent throughout the labor complexity of their success path. Success to them is merely a struggle in a form of achievement or goal in which provides them greatness in some new talent.

Post Script:
I’d like to mention that females are the fundamentals to a man’s success, rather than looking it in a small perspective, wherein men acquire their success individually. Men and women are their communal supports to a successful lifestyle. 

Click for image source.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Second day in English 100

Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that we are suppose to write a blog every class day. Instead of procrastinating, I am going to accomplish this task with a good start.

Today for English's class, we learned how to use Blogger and Moodle. To tell you the truth, I was confused with this web-site because I was already used to Xanga. Before the end of the class, I am proud to say that I conquer my problem. Besides learning about our internet projects, we learned about underline, outlines e.t.c All the new definitions I had learned today amazes me. When I was in high school, my English classes were not that great. You want to know how bad? I learned better English in the Philippines. I attended my junior year in the Philippines. Being here in the University of Guam gives me the chance to learn English all over again. I am excited to learn better English. Don't get me wrong, English is not my second language. It's a sad fact to say that I had only concentrated in my studies harder when I was a junior. I will not make the same mistake anymore.

Other than the usual content of a blog, the English's Computer Lab was very hot today. Did anyone else notice or am I just hallucinating? I hope not. I took out my fan but it felt like there was no effect. My hand was doing a great amount of movement but it was not enough to satisfy the sweat on my forehead. Maybe next time that we are assigned to meet in the Computer's Lab, I will wear lighter clothes.

It's almost the end of the night, I would need to close this blog. Thank you for reading! I'll see everyone on Thursday!

Caption: Junior year in the Philippines.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Hello Everyone...=)

Hello fellow classmates...I would just like to say it was nice meeting you all in EN-100 and I hope we can become good friends in the outside world.I may be shy or scared at first,but when you get to know me more I can be more open and fun to hang around with.If you want to know anything about me just come and ask,I'll be more than welcome to answer them.
First day of classes can be nerve wrecking and can make the heart beat twice as fast in some people.I'm one of those people, but as time goes by I get used to the class and the people around me.Like today,I walked into class with a smile and pride because I'm proud to be in Dr.Rivera's EN-100 class. This class is fun and exciting and I want to see what will happen in the future.
This is my first time blogging and I already find it interesting.I can show how I feel and other people do too.I hope I can always have something to write about everytime it's time to blog.I like trying things new, blogging is one and later moodling will be another.
At first its seemed hard because I usually blank out when it's time to write,but I eventually think of something and get it down.
This is from one of your skater classmate and I hope we become friends. It would be so awesome if we all become friends...

second day...

It is the second day of Dr. Rivera's EN100 class and so far the class is kind of interesting. It is not as fun as my other classes, but it is the beginning of the semester, so i can't give a good judgement right now so early on in the game. Anyways today we just started blogging, which is one of our many writing assignments we must do for this class. Which is good because we can blog on our own time. As for the blogging itself, it is alright. In my opinion, having to blog as an assignment is pretty interesting because we can share our opinions about the class with others.This is my first blog of the semester and I don't really know what to write except that I like the class and I'm looking forward to blogging more in the future.

First Time

My first day with Dr. Rivera was cool. She wasn't mean or rude at all. The class EN100 will probably teach me how to use a computer. With all of the computer usage and all of the assignments we have to do on it, it will be an experience. The book for EN100 will probably be expensive like most of the books at the student store. EN100 is a subject i need to succeed in college.

Hopefully, I will learn how to write and compose essays on the computer. Since i don't really use the computer I will most likely have a hard time in the beginning. By the end I will be a better and smarter person.
image source:

Hello to all fellow classmates of EN-100 Fall 2008

Hello everyone my name is Nicole Trinidad. This is my first semester here at U.O.G. So far I see this class is going to be very interesting learning how to blog and use moodle. I would like to thank our fellow classmate Antoinette for helping and sharing the computer with me. Enjoy and have fun blogging.

Not one of my goals

To tell you the truth, I never thought about going to college after graduating from high school. The word college did not even mean anything to me, but as I graduated reality kicks in and next thing I know i'm in college. So now it's not about wanting or not wanting to go college anymore, it's is more of finishing what I started. So here I am in college, everyone is always nervous on the first day, but hopefully we'll get used to it.

The College life...

It took me three years after graduation to finally decide to go to college. I took this long only because I wanted to be sure of my major. Finally, I found what I wanted to become so here I am, sitting in a class with a group of strangers who might one day become "Friends". And with the help of Dr. Rivera, this class is a bit easier than I thought. I look forward to the rest of this semester with everyone.

Image source:


Moodle, it sounds like noodle.

When we think of noodles, we think of tangled, stringy pasta that is edible. In a sense, first day of classes are somewhat tangled, hard to organize with the chaos of add and drop. With the careful directions and guidance of our teacher, like the noodles we can cook well and in the future we'll be nearly perfect.

Today we created our moodle, an online blogspot for Dr. Rivera's EN101 class. I think this is a creative way for students to interact with others and understand the importance of technology in the ever so changing world. Another reason is that with the thousands of students here in UOG, one way to help save the environment is to turn in assignments via the internet.

Lately, many of the public and private companies on Guam have been promoting recycling methods. Some include Payless Supermarket of Guam, they give rebate to customers who bring their own bags instead of using plastic bags. I am greatful that our english class uses the internet to decrease the use of using paper in turning in assignments. It is also fun to type instead of writing.

Any thing to save the environment I am more than happy to do.

First Try!

There's always a first try for everything which isn't a bad thing. I was so excited to start my first year of college because it makes you more independent with where you have to go and managing your own schedule.At first it was so nerve racking and intimidating,but have come to realize that I'm probably not the only one feeling like this.I am still not use to the college life because its only the 2nd week of school and it still hasn't sunk in.
I can't wait to finish college and pursue a career in becoming an enlish teacher.The reason I want to become an english teacher because I was alwayse interested in all of my englishes classes and has always been my favorite subject.From writing,reading, and watching movies it has always caught my attention.
I am also glad to be in this class and be able to try out blogging for the first time...its not that bad.The only thing is not having any idea of what to talk about.Maybe next time I'll give you something more juicy to read.Thanks for listening!

Another semester, another experience...


Good Afternoon to all my new classmates! Last Thursday was another first day for everyone. I don't know about you, but I loathe the introduction process. Every time I proclaim my name, the room is filled with confused looks. My name is Cheysser Rodriguez. In case you're wondering, the correct way to say my name is to say chase-her. If it makes you giggle, it is possible that I am named after the product chaser. A chaser is taken before/after consuming alcohol.

My first day was a very tiring experience. I was extremely lazy to carry my bag. Perhaps this occured because it's been months since Spring Semester has ended. All I wanted to do was dive into my bed and sleep all day, as if it was still Summer. What about you? By the look of faces, I had seen some eager beavers and some who had too many first days. Don't worry, I am part of that category.

I believe that Dr. Rivera's class will make a great contribution to this Semester. The activities that she has prepared for us is very fascinating. It's very refreshing than just sitting and writing all day long in the class room. I am very excited to finish this semesters with my new classmates. Hopefully by the end of this semester, we will be more than classmates. I shall end this blog to read all of your blogs! I wish everyone the best of luck!

Day one for fall semester 08'

First day of class is always so nerve wrecking for me but I always look forward to it. It can get exciting just introducing oneself to one another. To me, first days aren't so of a big deal to me as time passes by. I have about 4 years to go so, I'm immune to the system and what to expect out of first days. I just hope to improve this year with Dr. Rivera. Excited to learn about what mistakes I can make and that could be corrected. So everyone lets enjoy this semester and I hope we'll all learn and grow together but most of all, become friends.

Image from:

Hello EN100

I'm happy to start my first year at the University of Guam by losing weight by enrolling in EN100. I am also trying to lose weight. It is getting pretty hard only because I am not as active as before. My senior year i joined track and field just to lose some weight, and it actually worked. During that time i also gained weight, but it wasnt fat, it was muscle. Its difficult because i just go to school, eat, and sleep.
Now I'm making a change in my diet and also trying to start running again. I'm waking up early in the morning and going running. I'm eating the right foods and not after 7:00pm. Hopefully I reach my goal.

image source:

1st day experience

the 1st day of class was exciting. meeting new people and knowing mrs.rivera..we talked about whats going to be discussed in class and about blogs that we're going to be doing.we also had to introduce ourselves to one another.i gain to get out of this class is a better sense of writing,typing and communicating with other people physically and i guess through the internet.whahahahaha i think this is going to be an experience of a life-time..

First Time For Everything...

august 26, 2008,

My first day in English 100 was interesting and funny. Dr. Rivera is really nice and cool. First thing I thought of this class was that there was a lot of girls in my class. I thought that my friend Mike and me were the only guys in the class. There are about only six guys in the class. My friend Mike made the class laugh when he said "his heart was beating fast" *haha*.
My second day in English 100, we get to use the computer upstairs at EC 202. We start off the class by making a blogger profile. This would be my first blog i made in this class. I haven't made a blog before. So actually this would be my first blog i ever made.

College anyone???
College, wow... Many things I expected other things I did not. I really was expecting to meet up with a lot of my other friends but our schedules are so different. Then having classes at such different times and waiting for the time to pass is a little difficult. What I did do was drive around and started to get to know the buildings and locations of my classes.
Besides the first day of school being the different ways I expected, I liked meeting new people. In our class when we introduced ourselves it was nice to hear that many people came back to school even if it took them a while. As many people say it is never to late to further your education.

Talk to you Later!!!
August 26, 2008

Second Day

College is so different from high school. I did't know what to expect. I'm not quite ready for college. I'm still getting the hang of how things are.
I read partial part of the book yesterday. But I still need to re-read it to understand it more.
Today, is our second day in class. We are doing blog as a start. I'm not sure on what to blog right now.


First day was awesome

Entering the classroom of Dr.Rivera, I looked at the available seats and prepared myself to be kicked out and not accepted. But, Dr.Rivera was nice enough to let me stay and enjoy her wonderful class with such great classmates.
The first day of class, we discussed the syllabus, moodle instructions, and also how to blog. I admit, never in my life have I blogged or "moodled". However, it sounded very interesting and extremely complicating; sure enough it was.
Furthermore, the class went on with reading the syllabus and discussing what Dr.Rivera expected from us in our essays. I was excited and scared about writing my first essay, and also, my first assignment for the school year. I have to admit im not good at writing, so i started early on my "All About Me" essay, so far it sounds pretty legite.
To close my blog, I just wanted to say ( to everyone who reads this), that I am happy to be in this class and I hope we all make it out safe, with passing grades as well.
Oh, and I forgot to mention when I introduced myself that I love PIGS!

"Feeling A Bit Selfish"

As registration of a new semester began, I was upset that the University would not accept my re-entry. The fall of 2007 was the last semester I attended school. I was about due and on my way to delivering my third child two weeks before the ending of Fall 2007. I did not return back to school for Spring because I needed to recover and spend some loving time with my new baby girl.

I decided to return back to school fall 2008 to achieve my goal of self accomplishment. Registering for classes was a bad experience for me. I felt I was starting school for the first time, a chicken with no head. Upsetting as it was for me, I felt like giving up and forgetting about school. First of all the admissions and records lost my re-entry form, my change of personal information, and my withdrawl form from Fall 2007. Every week begining August sixth I came to the University in hopes to registering for the classes and Professors I wanted. The admissions and records department advised me to register on the last day of registration, all my information will be processed and ready by the last day of registration. Ohh...I thought to myself maybe this is not the right time to go back to school. This was a sign for me to think hard about returning back to school.

Well finally August nineteenth arrived and I was able to register; but just as I thought all the classes I wanted were full. I guess I would just deal with the classes given to me, no harm in that. Thinking back on the past weeks I realize that I was just being selfish and not wanting to accept what life had in store for me. Now I can press on with life and work hard to accomplish my goal of becoming a Parole officer.

Review of class: Aug 26 2008

The use of communicating via internet will hopefully make it easier for the class to get information and facts faster. My only concern is one for the students who do not have computers or a connection to the internet. Yes, there is a computer lab here at the UOG computer lab, but my concern is for those who also work a part time job on the side. Work and class is hard enough as it is. I just feel that those who do have such a predicament should receive some slack. I am open to discussion if needed.


Besides Classmates, Consider Friends

When you think about College, you think mature. Since I have made the first step into U.O.G. , my classmates look too serious, some look suspicious, some you may assume does not look very friendly. For me, I am open for serious friendships and don't look for the bad side of people. I don't want to leave a classroom and remember a bad vibe I have had.

So anytime you feel like you need someone to talk to, not only about school, or our EN100 class. I am here to talk and share a friendship to come.

Getting the hang of this ...

Although my first two days of heading back to school, was nerve wrecking, only
because I thought I'd be too old. It's certainly been awhile since I've last attended
college and that was almost 3years ago before I became a mother of one, but now
I'm getting the hang of this. I woke up this morning with lots of energy to start my
day off right. I did my usual preparation of cooking breakfast for my son, then got ready
to leave to my morning class. I can see myself more confident now than I was before only because this is what I really want to accomplish out of my life. I've realize many trials and continue to learn each day with an open mind. Now that I seem more focus than I was before,
I hope I can continue this kind of positive attitude. Wish me Luck this semester!

Day One!!!

The first day is always the worst, going into class not knowing what to expect. For me it was thinking is she going to sign my paper so i can take this course. It was exciting because i'm finally going back to school. It makes me feel like i'm doing something better for myself and my daughter. The thing is I feel so out of place because i've been out of school for two years and that's another reason why i'm taking this class, to refresh my memory. I'm sitting here and i don't know what to say anymore, But it will get better once i start getting the hang of things...It's only the begin!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Hafa Adai and welcome to our class blog!
I'm glad to see that a couple of you have already made entries. You will be posting your entries here weekly throughout the semester. Take care, and happy blogging!

-Dr. Rivera :)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

First Day Jitters.

The heart pumps heavily and palms sweat gradually when standing in front of a classroom filled with strangers, who are all in the exact position I'm currently in. Anxiously scared and anticipating this semester 's course with it's certain standards that'll evaluate the outcome of our grade, in which will justify a higher level of English. This is, lady's and gentleman, what we generally strive for, as freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors, partaking this English class.
Deep, slow, breathes, a momentary meditation in which I use for intimidating encounters with fellow individuals that I haven't been acquainted with; up until now. I focus on the subjects given by the sincere professor for our personal introduction to her and the rest of the class, justifying whether I should come forth as showing my true colors or otherwise. I try to subdue my nervousness by hearing the fellow students before me, waiting and observing till it's my turn.
As the student next to me concludes her introduction, I began to stand, watching a class full of grown adults, mature or immature, though very uncertain at this moment in time, while observing their expressions and grabbing their attention, I speak. A bundle of words flow out of my mouth, and into their ears, which will give them a slight recognition of who I am for a mere moment or two. As I conclude and sit, I'll be listening to their introductions as they watch my eyes, expressionless yet sincere like a decorated mask.

Click for image source.